Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to buy a canjo | The Authentic One-Stringed Canjo

How to buy a canjo | The Authentic One-Stringed Canjo

The CanJoe Company of Blountville, TN is the sole provider of the ONLY official, authentic, original one-stringed canjo musical instrument in the world. Officially licensed for business in 1994, the CanJoe Company pioneered the commercial availability of the unique one-stringed canjo instrument by introducing them via marketing methods by means of the first publicly presented demonstrations, the first public sales as a vendor at craft & music venues, the first use in public performances in any minor & major entertainment venue, first to record and make public releases of the first commercially produced and available recordings of the instrument, the first to have any published major stories about the instruments in any magazines, newspapers, and other written materials, the first to be viewed or aired on any television network broadcast, and not last nor least, the first to ever have been performed on the Grand Ole Opry. The quality and accuracy of the finished, signed and dated CanJoe Company instruments are unparalleled ANYWHERE. Every CanJoe Company instrument is hand crafted and each made custom and specific to each order. The best way to get an official CanJoe Company instrument is to contact the owner, CanJoe*John, at 423-323-0174. More info and additional photos can be seen on the company web site at

The Authentic One-Stringed Canjo | Everything about the one-stringed musical instrument called "canjo", or 'CANJOE'.

The Authentic One-Stringed Canjo | Everything about the one-stringed musical instrument called "canjo", or 'CANJOE'.

Welcome to another of the newest cool things from the CanJoe Company that EVERYONE can get into! The CanJoe Company of Blountville, TN is the official provider of the truly original and only authentic one-stringed musical instrument now known world-wide as the “canjo”, or actually better known to many as the ‘Canjoe’…”the one-stringed thing anyone can play!” This new blog site will be ‘canpletely’ dedicated to everything related to these cool one-stringed musical things. Everyone is invited to join and to share their experiences, information, photos, videos, or comments about the canjo instruments but, please, keep all ‘canments’ and posts appropriate and germane to the topics this blog is about. I, myself, will be moderating this site and will personally be posting lots of my own photos, videos, updates on new products, news of events, will be including the accurate history of these instruments, and much more, so join me on this ‘cantasic’ journey of world wide blogging about these coolest of one-stringed musical instruments in the universe!